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Target audience for my video

When it comes to the age group that I am trying to attract ,it is anyone who is going through the pain of breaking up with someone they loved. Specifically the age range 18-25 as that is the age you go through most heartache. However, I want my song to reach out to all types of people as they would have gone through that sort of pain at some point in their life. My song is mostly aimed at girls however ,if men feel like they can relate to it  then that is even better. I want my song to inspire people and I want the song to reach out to them.

When it comes to the social Demographic ,I want my audience to be in any of the social demographics because I want my music to be played on lots of channels and loads of different people listen to different radio channels and TV channels. I want all types of people so the occupation of the people does not really bother me neither do their hobbies. However, when it comes down to the style they will need to enjoy slow music because my song is slow and I don’t want people to get bored by the song.

I also want the song to relate to people. As well as this they would need to like people like Christina Perri, Leona Lewis and Avril Lavigne because these are the people who I am using as my inspiration for my video. When it comes to my video, I want people to relate to it because I want them to know that if it didn’t work out then that obviously was not the one for them and that they were to blinded by love to realise the mistakes that were there.

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