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Contract for my Actress

For me to do my music video it means that I need permission for my actress to play the role so therefore i need to come up with a contract for her to sign to say that she is going to be sensible and play the role seriously as this is my coursework. Below is what i am going to get my actress to sign before she does the music video.

I                                                        (Print name) Confirm that I consent to act in Amber's music video as part of her A2 media project. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set with the aim to keep it profesional. I am aware that this video will be uploaded onto Youtube and social networking sites such as facebook in the process of collecting audience feedback.

……………………………………………..(Print name)

………………………………………………(Print signature)


……………………………………………..(Signature of A2 student)

……………………………………………..(Directors signature)





This is the signed contract of the artist signature and my signature.

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