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Analysis of Album covers

On the back of the CD you can tell that they use all of the production companies logo so the audience know what company they are with so people know that they can trust the album. However one thing that is different about this album is that they have put an classification on it so this tells the audience that the album is not suitable for anyone under that age. This could be due to swearing in the songs.  Another thing that they have included is the barcode which is important as they need to scan the barcode to get the price. These are always included.


This screenshot shows that she is laying on the piano however they are trying to portray the same emotions ass the theme is kept and the way she is laying also allows the audience to gather what type of mood the song is setting.  With her hair daggling down it shows that she is not bothered and they are using it to cover her face which shows us that she is feeling down and depressed . This shows that they have included all the tracks on the back and they tell the consumer what number what song is so they can go to that song if they want to listen to a specific song.  They have made this the right side of the CD so that they can use the image and so it is easily seen.  But more important so that the audience can see the text as that is what they want to see.


On this CD cover they have used white writing so that it stands out and so that the audience are able to see what the writing says. It also keeps in with the theme of the songs. They have used the same typography for all of the media products so it becomes more popular and so that they build up a fan base for the actress.


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