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Christina Perri

Analysis of albums

This album cover is from Christina Perri’s  and the name of the album is named after the song title of the song which became famous due to the music being used in the movie Twilight. The song is named a thousand years and they have chose this because it will be recognisable  to the audience so therefore the popularity of the song and album also increase.


In this album cover they have used simple typography for the album title and the artist name and they have done this so that the audience are able to understand the writing and see who the artist is.  They have used the same typography for all of her media products which are promoting the same product. This means that the audience are more able to recognise the products and can link them together

They have stuck to the  codes and conventions of the music video as the video has dark colours and they have used a close-up of her face. This means that the audience feel like they connect the two media products together because they have stuck to the same theme throughout. They have made the picture it look like black and white as they have done it in a way to make it look effective.


This shows that instead of showing what she is wearing they are more interested in showing the audience how she feels and the emotions this then sets the mood for all the media products. With it being in black and white it means that we can also gather the theme and how she feels.




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