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Leona Lewis

Analysis of music albums

This screenshot show Leona Lewis’s album for her song bleeding love. Once again I noticed that they have used a close-up of the artist face so that they become recognisable and so people get to know what to expect from the album. You can also see this through the colours that they choose to use.


On the back once again they have used the logos of the companies that she is signed with so they become more popular and they will get some money from the sales of the album. This shows that  the background of the album  is dark so this fits into the mood of the artist and so that the text stands out. This I so that the audience are able to read it

I noticed that the typography is simple so that people can recognise the text and so that they don’t have to struggle to read it. The text on the front I big so that it catches the eyes of the audience. The text on the back is also white and her name is once again quite big but  on the back they have changed the colour of the album to fit the colour of her hair so it stands out. Thy also have the tracks listed on there as well.


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